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Our 2022 in Review

BeaconHealth Diagnostics

February 7, 2023

2022 was a phenomenal year of growth for us, allowing us to bring our high-quality, patient-centered care to more patients across Nigeria than ever before. We're excited to share some of the year's highlights with you below, and we look forward to continuing to serve our patients and partners in 2023.

We impacted so many lives

We served a total of 76,635 patients across our centers, which is more than we served in our previous four years in operation combined. In November alone we provided diagnostics to over 10,000 patients. Over the year, we served 46,000 women, with women making up 60% of our patient base.

Across all of our locations, we performed over 168,000 procedures; our top three procedures were obstetric ultrasounds, complete blood count, and kidney function panel. We also completed more preventive health screening in 2022 than we have ever done before, thanks to our work with dozens of large and small companies that pay for screenings on behalf of their employees.

We expanded our geographical footprint

We launched 6 new diagnostic centres, growing from 9 to 15 locations across 8 states, including 3 new states. With our expansion in 2022, we are now the third-largest and fastest-growing diagnostics network in Nigeria.

We grew our operations significantly

In 2022, we onboarded 97 new team members, bringing our total team size to 174 strong. We created a Growth team focused on corporate and HMO business and have signed with all the major HMOs in the country. We inked partnerships with several large national and multinational companies, such as GTBank, Union Bank, Total Energies, and MTN, providing health screenings for thousands of their employees. In addition, we doubled our referral network to over 1,000 active referring health facilities including primary care clinics, maternity homes, pharmacies, and secondary and tertiary hospitals. 

We partnered with a number of health-tech startups and NGOs

We formed partnerships with several other health-tech companies, including Reliance Health, Gerocare, WellaHealth, and Healthtracka, to fulfill their diagnostics needs. We also partnered with the non-profit CancerAware to provide breast cancer screenings and with Access Bank to provide over 1,000 cervical cancer screenings. 


Thank you to all our patients and partners for trusting BeaconHealth for your diagnostics needs. Here’s to health and growth in 2023!  


Oluwasoga Oni
CEO, BeaconHealth Diagnostics